Monday, February 2, 2009

Luther, night 2.

I slept pretty well -- checked the alarm a few times, got up and lifted early, and am really pretty wiped tonight. Hope to sleep well, get up, and run in the morning (outside? Maybe not. It is foolish cold here.) Treadmill, here I come. Ugh.

Had a really thought provoking day. One thing to share...we talked about the sacrificial system in the Old Testament, and the slaughtering of the sheep and rams and how messy that process was. Yuck, right? How lucky are we that we don't have to get elbow deep in blood and gore to make our sins right. But...when you get down to it, and really start to let the Jesus impact you and buy into the deal, it IS yucky. It starts to impact how you view the world around you. It changes your perspective, and the depth of understanding with regard to what He did and WHY is a lot like being elbow deep in the gore. Maybe it isn't as easy as we sometimes make it out to be.

I am so blessed to be on this journey -- thanks, Kari, for helping me realize this. I hope it is worth it.

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